Friday, March 12, 2010

Just Sayin...

I was reflecting on some of the sayings that have come up at different points in my life and have stuck with me:
1. In the First grade, after taking a longer than normal time to walk home(I reversed course every time I saw a dog, my sister had been bit by a dog that summer and I had heard about rabies shots) My dad get a saying which ended up being posted on my wall,

"Courage is not the absence of fear but the master of it."

2. When I was in college I ran across a quote which I copied and put on the wall of my room. It went something like this:

"There is no substitute for the first rate person, 10 second rate people cannot replace them"

3. I worked and worked to get our family to develop a family mission statement. I finally drafted one myself and it has remained largely ignored. Except my daughter, when she was working at a company doing engraving had it engraved on a plaque and gave to me for Christmas.

"An Andrews is patient. An Andrews is kind and envies no one. An Andrews is never boastful nor conceited, not rude or indecent, never selfish and not quick to be resentful or take offense. An Andrews keeps no score of wrongs, does not gloat over other person's problems, but delights in the truth, the eternal potential of ourselves and others. There is nothing an Andrews can't face. We are loyal, we believe in one another, We expect the best of one another. There is no limit to our faith, our hope, or our endurance. Our love will never fail! We will be valiant. We will have joy and have fun.

4. I have been teaching a class on Family finance. One of the lessons is on goal setting and has this quote from Will Durrant's Story of Philosophy. It ow adornes the fridge.

We want to know that the little things are little, and the big things are big, before it is too late; we want to see things now as they will seem forever--'in the light of eternity.'

So there you have it, the sayings and accumulated wisdom I have picked up through the years

1 comment:

  1. i like your family mission statement...wonder if it's too late for me to make one for us...when the girls are all grown and out of the house and go, what's mom doing now? :)
