Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lessons from playing croquet

For unknown reasons, this week I have recalled playing croquet in the back yard while growing up. If you have played croquet, you are aware what happens when your ball strikes another player's ball. You place the two balls together, put your foot on your ball, and with a great swing of the mallet can hit your ball which stays in place because of your foot but the energy is transferred to the other players ball which can go sailing far away and out of the way, to a 10 year old, it was great fun to send the other ball sailing.

Whenever my dad would hit another players ball, something quite different would happen. He would still strike his ball and send the other ball on it's way, but he would send it in the direction the other player was trying to go, he would help them out. Especially he would help out my mom. But in spite of helping us out, my dad still always won.

And the lesson from that is...? Well, I'm not sure. I don't play croquet anymore so I guess I won't ever be in a position to help others out when I could instead act like anyone else would and sidetrack them.


  1. i like that story! i'm going to share it with my girls...rather, i'll send them here to read it themselves. :)

  2. that is a great story! thanks for sharing it.

  3. Now I know why the love of Croquet has passed on to my dad and now all his kids :)
