Sunday, June 14, 2009

wake up call

I am a regular blood donor. I would guess (guessing is required because the blood bank lost the records for a few years) I've donated about 18 gallons. First I went for the cookies. Now I go because it is a cheap mini physical every few weeks. I can get get cholesterol, blood pressure, pulse, iron, and temperature checked every few weeks. Plus they feed me cookies.

Friday I got a wake up call when I was told my blood pressure numbers. I wasn't sure what was considered high, but I thought I was probably close. A little research showed that I was very very very close. A little more research and I have my plan of action. Since I will be fixing my meals anyway, I found a useful web site that provides shopping lists, menus, and recipes for the belly off diet. My goal is to lose 10 pounds before I give blood again in 8 weeks and see what that does to the numbers. Losing 10 pounds would just get me back to where I was before tax season started. My real very ambitious goal (don't tell anyone) is to loose 10 pounds every 8 weeks from now till the end of the year. That would get me to where I really want to be.

Yesterday I wandered the grocery store for two hours (to be honest, part of the time was visiting with my cousin when I ran into her) Searching for things on the list. For some items I had no idea where they were or even what they were. I noticed that the items I would normally have dropped into the cart had zero appeal as I walked past them in my search for the produce department. If that attitude is maintained, that in itself will bring postive results.

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