My Interests exceed the time I have to pursue them. That means I have several half finished, or would that be half started projects. It also means many of the things I thought were oh so very important at one time, I now have an interest in but no longer consider them the most important thing ever. For instance, while on the campus improvement team for my children's school and on the board of directors for the school districts educating foundation, I was passionate about schools. When I was a scout leader, I was passionate about the purposes and role of a well run (and I have my own definition of well run) scouting program.
I am a CPA but didn't plan to be an accountant. In fact I was miffed when a vocational interest test taken in college spiked high in accounting and owning my own accounting firm (and rehabilitation counseling.) Not that these areas were high, but that the areas I was planning to pursue were low. Since it did not sow what I wanted it to, I paid no attention to that test. I graduated with a degree in Sociology having taken only one sit down in the classroom class in the field, but that story will have to be another blog I considered myself first a political science then an economics major. I have a Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
I am a regular blood donor (I expect to hit 15 gallons this year) I noted the power of example when my daughter, on her 17th birthday (the earliest one can donate) wanted to go donate blood. My son also donated when he was seventeen
I know more then I apply. I have an amateur radio license (ham radio.) I have studied and upgraded my license twice to enable me to have more on-air privileges. The last time I upgraded, after passing the first test, I opted to take the next upgrade, which would have put me at the top to the amateur radio food chain. I missed a passing score by one question. However, I do not own a ham radio nor ever been on the air.
I completed a course from the county extension office to be a master gardener for the county, but have not had a garden in years. Work is busy when its time to plant
In addition to being a CPA, I have been a Certified Financial Planner and currently have an accreditation as a Personal Finance Specialist. (CPA/PFS) I am working towards getting my own personal finances in line with what I know, but have a way to go.
I participate (not to be confused with compete) in 5Ks and triathlons, I have a shelf of books on training for these events. If I had known in high school the things I know now about training, who knows what could have been. But no one else knew then what is known now either.
Speaking of my bookshelf, it occurs to me that to know my book shelf is to know me, or something about me. I have a shelf of books on the constitution. I started studying this a few years ago and have about 10 books from a variety of viewpoints. Another shelf has several religious dummies guide to books on: Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, and Mormonism I also have a few books on major world religions. A shelf on personal finance topics, A shelf (or 2) on church history, both LDS history as well as early Christian history. A shelf of political and religious biographies, plus the Story of Civilization volumes by Will Durant, The Great Books of the Western World, (how many times have I restarted the 10 year reading program, I began in college and might be 2/3 of the way through the 2nd year now). Several books (any I can find) from Arbinger Institute and a shelf on marriage and family, (weighted towards John Gottman's books.) Those are topics that fill a shelf, I've not mentioned individual books, nor novels (Grisham, Ludlum, Card)
With so many books why do I watch TV? (24; House; Psych; Bones ;) especially when the garden is only 1/2 started
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